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Victoria County Czech Heritage Society
Victoria , Texas
Kopyrite 2006
Design by Pappy and Joe
 Victoria County Czech Heritage Society
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CO-Chairman: Donald Dusek & Ed Nevlud
Admission/Greeting: Pam & Allen Matula
Silent Auction: Robert & Stephanie Higdon
Exhibits- Library: Stephanie Higdon
Beer/Wine: Melanie Janak
​Czech Goods: Carolyn Nevlud
Country Store: Pam & Arthur Dornak
​Advertising/Brochures/Publicity: Ed Nevlud/Cari Orsak
​Demonstrations: Donald Dusek
Entertainment: Joe Janak
​Kolaches/Cake by Slice/Coffee: Carol Janak
​Decorations: Carol Janak
​Placemat Ads: Carol Janak/Ed Nevlud
​Finance: Cindy and Victor Mozisek
Booths: Donald Dusek
​Lunch/Lunch Assistance: Donald Dusek
​Security: Victor Mozisek
Chicken Noodle Soup: Vic & Karen Patek
Serving Chicken Noodle Soup/Sausage Wraps/Soda/Water: Phillip & Annie Vahalik
​Tarok Lessons: Joe Pustka
​Ticket Booth: Sandra Schmidt/Gary Kocian
Committee Chairman- 2024